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Invitation Notice for Framework contracts and pre-qualification 2022/23-25

Jinja Regional Referral Hospital now invites suitably qualified bidders to submit sealed shortlisting submission for the provision of supplies and services for Financial year 2022/2023, 2023/2024 and 2024/2025

Providers who will be pre-qualified shall be invited from time to time to bid for requirements.


This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Dear Immy,
    Kindly note that a complete set of bidding documents may be purchased by interested bidders on submission of a written application to the Hospital Director and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of UGX100,000 for Category A and UGX 50,000 for Category B.

      1. Dear Morghan, The bid doument is not accessed online.
        The guidance from the Head PDU is that you have to submit hardcopy of payment receipt to the Accounts department at the hospital before being issued with softcopy of the bid document.

  2. Hello Team at Jinja Regional Referral Hospital,
    I would like to ask if the Bid document has to be picked physically from Jinja after payment, or if it’s possible to access it online.
    Thank you.

  3. Good afternoon there,
    I am Florence from Laboratory Needs Solution, We paid for this tender and we’re in Kampala I am inquiring if we can send the receipt on email so that the bid document can be shared to us. Please help with the email too.
    Thank you

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