The new orthopedic ward, valued at 1 billion shillings, was…
Benchmarking Dialysis Unit Operations: Insights from Mulago National Referral Hospital

Jinja Regional Referral Hospital Management Board members and Senior Management at Mulago National Referral Hospital to benchmark how Mulago National Referral Hospital is running the dialysis unit.
In order to alleviate the strain on patients who now have to travel great distances and deal with severe traffic to receive comparable services at Mulago National Hospital in Kampala and other distant facilities, Jinja Regional Referral Hospital has asked the government for Shs500 million to establish dialysis services.
The hospital’s Director, Dr. Alfred Yayi, made the request when he presented the facility’s 2025–2026 Budget Framework Paper to the Health Committee of Parliament. Noting that groups have already offered to supply dialysis machines, he underlined the growing demand for dialysis services in the Busoga area. However, in order to purchase reagents and pay for operating expenses, government assistance is needed.
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